Did you know I was a triplet?


This was my first attempt at cloning and I think it turned out excellent for my first try. I spent a good amount of time on it because couldn’t get a certain part to blend in right because the picture was a different color in the background. Hope you don’t see it 😅. 
This was my second attempt at cloning I tried to get my.model to act right but she was to happy to take the pictures lol. On this one I used my camera instead of my phone because I wanted to see the difference it would make. It was bare minimum lol. But this was the easiest because since they were apart and not in the way of da other I could erase the part where she wasn’t in. 

Mathis is my last cloning I tried to make it seem like I was making music are producing while the other clone is just listening. This was the hardest one because I had to erase the parts where I was so close and interacting at. The hardest part was the one that was sitting down because I had to make it look believable without erasing to much or to less but it turned out pretty well.


  1. these are all very nicely done, i also love the title in reference to the TikTok trend.

  2. I did not know you were a triplet. Sorry for your loss.


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